E-Books, Coloring Books, and MORE

books - ebooks

books - ebooks

books for kids

books for kids

The great and magnificent scientist

New release! the nightmare busters

And god sent a bug

There is just enough space here for several lines of text. Make sure you get your message across clearly yet concisely.

There is just enough space here for several lines of text. Make sure you get your message across clearly yet concisely.

There is just enough space here for several lines of text. Make sure you get your message across clearly yet concisely.

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Digital Education materials - lesson plans

Digital Education materials - lesson plans

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shop our learning products and materials

Create a shape

in this activity students have the opportunity to uniquely create 2d and 3d geometric shapes using marshmallows! The activity offers challenges and fun while children play to learn!

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New release! the nightmare busters

this activity is for learning memory verses! students can learn how to gear up spiritually! And put on the armor of god. Includes dressing your knight/soldier activity where kids put armor on their character.

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bobbi the builder

Bobbi the builder is a new favorite! Students can now learn how to build a table and chairs with bobbi! At the end, students will get a certificate for their building skills!

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Digital Education materials - books - lesson plans

Digital Education materials - books - lesson plans

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shop our learning products and materials

Psalm Trees Workbooks

New release! the nightmare busters

bobbi the builder

Kids will feed their bodies and souls with psalm tree fruits! the workbook helps students to discover all the goodness in fruits, while learning all the goodness of god through learning scriptures!

this activity is for learning memory verses! students can learn how to gear up spiritually! And put on the armor of god. Includes dressing your knight/soldier activity where kids put armor on their character.

Bobbi the builder is a new favorite! Students can now learn how to build a table and chairs with bobbi! At the end, students will get a certificate for their building skills!

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offering enrichment classes for kids!

offering enrichment classes for kids!

Classes for Kids

Classes for Kids

s.t.r.e.a.m. More magic here!

SFK Spirituality for kids

coming soon! Art smart crafts

coming soon! herb fairy apothecary

Children engage in the “Game of Life” and learn to WIN! this enrichment - class offers a kids the chance to learn critical life skills to become better people now and more equipped adults later. your students will learn chess while building social-emotinoal and spiritual muscles. this program is a non-religious SSEL course.

Create handcrafted gifts and art! Kids can make unique artistic diy gifts and craft projects to enhance learning and get handsy with smarter art!

Let’s explore scientific magic! Students learn how to turn plants and herbs into powerful potions. In this class your child will learn how to make a medicine cabinet by creating an herb-fairy apothecary.

udemy / live classes







s.t.r.e.a.m. Magic | learning stations | enrichments offered

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